Many people have turned internet marketing into a profitable career. If you apply the internet marketing techniques we'll be discussing here, you will be well on your way to making a good living online.
Tons and tons of marketers know they should capture emails and follow-up with their target audience, but the vast majority of them refuse to do it for whatever reason. Low conversions rates, if not zero percent, are the absolute bane of huge numbers of IM marketers, and of course they either try to rectify it, or maybe some just quit. Naturally, that is the rationale, or just one of them, for gathering optins wherever possible and engaging in email marketing. That is territory that has been preached by every highly successful, and moderately successful, online marketer since the beginning. The standard and average number of required exposures before a buy is likely is seven; so load-up seven of those bad boys in your autoresponder and see what happens. Never engage in selling like a pushy carnival hawker; but rather you want to create a relationship by providing value. Be advised - there are some markets that have no interest in giving you their email address; but if your's does, then get it right and your conversions will only go up. After some of your subscribers become customers, then you can begin to make other offers to them after you continue sending them good content. If you have never done this - you need to at least try it, and you really can see major changes in your business model begin to happen. This is yet another path to business growth, more opportunities, and your business will become more stable.
We advise you give press releases some serious consideration because, if you do them in the right way, they can be highly effective at delivering targeted traffic to your business site. Even though there are a number of ways you can get targeted visitors to your website, nothing beats the power of press releases when you launch a new product or a website. There's quite a range of services available from the many press release websites that deal with distribution. Format your PR according to accepted guidelines, but that is easy, and you will be doing everyone a favor by including some actual new news, as opposed to old news, in your PR. People in your target market will notice your press release, and the expected result from that is to produce traffic.
When you want to make a sale, you have to first convince your potential customer that you are trustworthy. Prospects want to see some convincing evidence that your product works, and the best way to demonstrate this is to get testimonials from customers who have already bought it. If you've already sold some products, you can request testimonials from customers, or you can give copies to well known people in your niche and ask for reviews. Using Online Classified Ad sites are also good choices to put links and get targeted traffic from.
Internet marketing is a proven path to make great money, but you will have to sacrifice something and do some work. Perhaps the most important thing you can do in addition to learning is to simply take some action.